My Story

My Story

Dr. Heidi Lescanec

They say that research for a book is actually “me-search” and this is certainly true for me!

I want to find the stories surrounding women in pink zones to show me what it means to come of age “whole and vital” as an elder woman or crone.

I’ve been a licensed naturopathic doctor for over 20 years and fascinated by botanical medicine for longer than that.

As an undergrad studying anthropology, I had the honour of working on a project documenting traditional medicine and health practices through oral histories of First Nation elders in the Northwest territories.

I have often been taught by traditional herbalists that in the land next to a poisonous plant, there often lives its anti-dote.

I’m looking for The Pink Zones as a potential anti-dote to messaging that tells aging women that we are in decline when many of us feel like we’re just beginning to thrive in our second chapter.

Are you longing for an antidote to the self-defeating, anti-aging narrative? Join me in my journey into The Pink Zones, as we discover the people and places that can light the way.